檢查日前三天內,請保持正常飲食,盡量勿飲用任何酒類。 Please avoid alcoholic drinks and maintain normal diet for three days before the examination.
幽門螺旋菌吹氣測試 – 測試前最少四小時禁止飲食。 Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test – It is necessary to fast for 4 hours at least before the test .
若您的驗身計劃內的項目包括血糖、膽固醇、三酸甘油脂及上腹部超聲波等檢查,驗身者需在體檢前禁食8小時(除清水外不可飲食) 。 If your check up program including items like blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and abdominal ultrasound, 8 hours fasting prior to the examination is required.
如您現時正服食慢性病患藥物如糖尿病、高血壓、心臟病、氣喘病等,請於驗身當日將藥物攜帶備用。 If you are currently using any medication(s) for chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and asthma, please bring along with your medicine on the date of examination.
如女仕們在驗身當日正值行經期間,請更改您的驗身日期,因在行經期間進行驗身,可能會影響您的各項測試結果。所有檢查最好是在月經完結最少5天後才進行。 For women, if you are menstruating on the day of the assessment, please reschedule your appointment as it might affect your test results. All examinations should be performed upon 5 days after completion of menstrual cycle.
妊娠期婦女及懷疑妊娠者,不宜進行任何包含X光之影像檢查。 Woman who is pregnant or suspected to be pregnant is not suitable for any imaging involved X-ray.
請於驗身當日穿著寬鬆、休閒之衣物,如您在驗身當日已安排運動心電圖檢查,請帶備運動服及運動鞋;如您希望安排其他附加項目,請在預約時查詢有關所需的準備事項。 You should dress comfortably for the examination. If you have scheduled for a Treadmill exercise ECG, please bring along or wear a pair of running shoes, a T-shirt & short for the test. For any other optional test intend to schedule in your examination, please check if any special preparation is required at the time when the appointment is made.
如您希望安排加驗其他附加項目,請於預約時登記並須於體檢當天完成後付款(現金或信用卡均可)。 For there is any optional test you intend to schedule in the examination, please inform our hotline at the same time when you make the appointment. You can settle the payment by cash or credit card on the date of examination.
驗身報告 Check Up Report
醫生會於14工作天內以電話形式向驗身者講解報告。(如有必要) Our doctor will explain the check-up results over the phone within 14 working days. (if necessary)
驗身報告在正常情況下將於講解報告後14個工作天內完成,報告均會按照驗身者於『報告處理同意書』領取報告方法一欄上所剔選之意願處理。 The check up report will normally be ready within 14 working days after phone reporting. The examinee can collect the report at the centre or send to the company address according to the instruction given in the 「Consent Form – Medical Report Handling 」by the examinee.
報告內容及建議只供驗身者參考,所有資料絕對保密。 Report content and recommendations are for reference only. All information will be kept strictly Confidential.
如須會見醫生講解驗身結果,請與護士預約。(需另外收費) If you require a follow-up doctor consultation, please make appointment with our nurse. (Additional Charge will be applied)